When you buy any Internet Connection, the service provider promises a speed for your plan. Whatever Baud Rate your ISP is commuting, it will be distributed within your Upload & Download. This is very interesting point to note as most of the people think that if the service provider mentions 100 MBPS speed, then their internet will work at this speed only. This is misconception and you shoud understand how the the definitions work here.
What should be the speed of your Internet Connection
Internet Speed = Upload Speed of Internet Connection + Download Speed of Internet Connection
Suppose your service provider claims to offer you 100 MBPS, then it mens upload speed of 60 MBPS and Download Speed of 40 MBPS will satisfy the quotation. So, next time if you are looking to get a high Download Speed internet, you should ask your provider to give you the required configuration.
In case, your connection speed still differs, you can discuss the matter with the customer support helpline. In case you are feeling helpless and you need guidance to proceed, you can reach out to us via our contact page.
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